Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farewell Lachlan!

There were mixed emotions as we said goodbye to our friend Lachlan. Lachlan's family are very lucky to be going over to live in Singapore for 2 years. We had a party for Lachlan and enjoyed too much party food. We wish Lachlan a safe and enjoyable time in Singapore and can't wait until he returns.

Oceanworld Excursion

We had a fantastic time on our excursion. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were all keen to catch the ferry from Circular Quay to Manly. There were many unconfirmed sightings of whales, sharks, stingrays and dolphins. Unfortunately we have no photographic evidence :( After a pleasant lunch at the park we explored Oceanworld with the help of our guide Deanna. She was amazed at how much we already knew and how well behaved we were. We hope you enjoy the photos. Don't forget to leave a comment about one of your favourite parts of the day.