Monday, November 5, 2012

Kayla Maree Farrelly

Hi Year One! Here are a couple of pictures of our wonderful daughter Kayla Maree Farrelly. Loretta and I are very, very happy and we think she is absolutely beautiful! I'll see you when I come back in week 7!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Making Music

Congratulations Year 1 on creating some amazing instruments on Friday! This is where you can tell us about your instrument. Write at least 2 sentences. What type of instrument did you make? What materials did you use? Can you describe the sound it made? Were you proud of your creation? What worked well and what didn't work well?

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Brilliant Book Week!

Year 1 had a great time celebrating Book Week this week. A huge thank you to Mrs Cartwright who organised some great activities. On Wednesday while some Year One children were at a Soccer Gala Day, the rest of us got a chance to buy a book at the book fair. On Thursday, we had our Book Parade. The theme for the infants children was 'Fairy Tales'. We had beautiful princesses, scary big bad wolves, tough pirates and heaps of other wonderful characters. Well done parents- we know you helped out a lot with our outfits. On Friday, John Heffernan came in to speak with us about his books. John writes under his own name as well as a pseudonym- Charlie Carter. He was really interesting and we learnt that many of his stories were based on his experiences on his farm and with his dogs. Also one of his book series looks like it may become a television series! Wow!
What was your favourite part of book week?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two special visitors

The special guests never stop arriving in Year 1. The Mayor of Canada Bay, Angelo Tsirekas came in last week to tell us all about the role he has in our community. At the end of our talk he left us all with presents- as you can see in the pictures. Yesterday, St Mark's School Crossing Supervisor- Karen (also known as the 'lollipop lady') came in and told us all about her job. Thanks to both of our special visitors. We understand much more about your jobs now.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Police called to St Mark's

Don't worry! Everyone was well behaved so nobody had to be taken away. Constable Remai spoke to us about the different things police officers do and we got to check out her equipment, her uniform and her car. Some of us were even put in handcuffs- luckily they weren't too tight. Thanks again for answering all of of our questions!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Tooth Fairy is going to be busy tonight!

Is this a record??? Five teeth falling out in one day! The poor Tooth Fairy is going to have to get a loan from the bank!
Emma, Olivia B, Riley C, Lydia and Seamus.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Paramedics and Patients

We had another special visitor today. Mr Eller who is an Operations Manager for the Ambulance Service spoke to us about Paramedics (ambulance officers) and their special role in our community. We also received some very good advice about what to do in an emergency. Remember to make sure you know your address and your phone number! We also got to check out his ambulance and pretend we were a paramedic or a patient.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No clouds but still it rained

Year 1 are learning about Workers in our Community this term. We were very fortunate to have a visit from Platoon C from Drummoyne Fire Station. We learnt about the role Fire Officers have, the protective clothing they wear, the equipment they use and what to do in an emergency. The best part was when we got to use the fire hose! Cool!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hansel and Gretel

St Mark's had a great opportunity on Tuesday when Oz Opera visited us to perform Hansel and Gretel. The piano was amazing and everyone was glued to the performers- especially when they hit those high notes!
Our school piano being played beautifully.
Hansel, Gretel and their parents.
The enthralled audience speaking with the cast.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farewell Lachlan!

There were mixed emotions as we said goodbye to our friend Lachlan. Lachlan's family are very lucky to be going over to live in Singapore for 2 years. We had a party for Lachlan and enjoyed too much party food. We wish Lachlan a safe and enjoyable time in Singapore and can't wait until he returns.

Oceanworld Excursion

We had a fantastic time on our excursion. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were all keen to catch the ferry from Circular Quay to Manly. There were many unconfirmed sightings of whales, sharks, stingrays and dolphins. Unfortunately we have no photographic evidence :( After a pleasant lunch at the park we explored Oceanworld with the help of our guide Deanna. She was amazed at how much we already knew and how well behaved we were. We hope you enjoy the photos. Don't forget to leave a comment about one of your favourite parts of the day.