Friday, August 24, 2012

A Brilliant Book Week!

Year 1 had a great time celebrating Book Week this week. A huge thank you to Mrs Cartwright who organised some great activities. On Wednesday while some Year One children were at a Soccer Gala Day, the rest of us got a chance to buy a book at the book fair. On Thursday, we had our Book Parade. The theme for the infants children was 'Fairy Tales'. We had beautiful princesses, scary big bad wolves, tough pirates and heaps of other wonderful characters. Well done parents- we know you helped out a lot with our outfits. On Friday, John Heffernan came in to speak with us about his books. John writes under his own name as well as a pseudonym- Charlie Carter. He was really interesting and we learnt that many of his stories were based on his experiences on his farm and with his dogs. Also one of his book series looks like it may become a television series! Wow!
What was your favourite part of book week?

1 comment:

  1. Well done year 1! What a great day you all all look fabulous! Carmel Bisoglio X
